Our Mission and Our Values
The mission of The Westfield School is to provide a premier college preparatory education in a Christian environment.
Nam dapibus, orci molestie blandit ultricies, nisi diam facilisis eros, eget convallis
nibh turpis ac ante. Integer sed nisi rutrum, interdum enim vitae.
The Westfield School Core Beliefs
We believe that developing a passion for learning creates independent, critical thinkers prepared for the demands of college and university.
We believe that a dedicated faculty who inspire, challenge and teach is the key to a student’s lifelong learning.
We believe that participation in athletics, fine arts, and interscholastic programs is essential to the development of a student's mind, body, and spirit.
We believe that community service, compassion for others, and the development of leaders provide students the foundation to have a vital role in the future of their world.
We believe in instilling values of integrity, honor, and respect within a Christian environment, reinforced through a partnership of family and school.
And because we believe in these things, we are Westfield.
The Mission Statement and Core Beliefs were approved by vote of the Westfield Board of Trustees, March 19, 2009.